Thursday, March 11, 2010

Teachers are fountains of knowledge

Teachers are walking fountains of knowledge. The 21st century has provided the tools for teachers to share their knowledge globally. A great way for teachers to reflect on their own work is to collect and share their resources. It is one thing to use resources but the act of sharing resources is also accompanied by a learning process.

You have to reflect on your own knowledge, prioritise, collect and filter. Once you have all your resources what is the next step. Here is a range of sites teachers can use to create and share online resources.

I want to thank @2sparkley and @mwedwards for inspiring this post.

1. Create a blog

There are many sites which allow you to create your own blog. A blog allows you to share ideas, links, images and many other resources. Many are free or have a free option. It is also a great way to keep all your resources in one place.

2. Create a presentation

There are many sites which allow you to share presentations. The presentations may be a step by step tutorial, share information, provide links, reflect on practice. Many sites allow you to upload powerpoints or documents or create animated presentations and add voice and music.

3. Create a Video

There are many video sharing sites the most popular being

Your video may be a demonstration, documentation or a tutorial.

Create computer tutorials by recording the desktop which is called screen casting.

4. Create Social bookmarks

Social bookmarking sites allow you to save links, tag them and share with others.

5. Create Ebooks

Ebooks are virtual books you can access online, download or embed.

6. Share images


my blog said...

Dear Steph,

thankyou. I love weblists. They help us in so many ways. Love the sources that you have found, as there are many there that I did not know about.
Love reading and learning along with you. :)

Thomas Boito said...

I REALLY like this post. I don't see as much of a culture of sharing among teachers as I'd like. I think it goes to the tradition of the self-contained classroom. What goes in my room is all that matters to me.

Paula Montrie said...

So great to have such a wealth of resources in one easy place. You have also introduced me to "weblist" - hadn't heard of it before. Thank you!

Mrs. Tenkely said...

You are fabulous for collecting these all in one place with weblists for us. You are so right, we need to embrace these collaborative tools and share what we do. Sharing and collaborating is what will transform the face of education and these are just the tools to do it!

Nick Provenzano said...

What a great post here. I agree that as teachers, we need to use the tools out there to help as many students and teachers as possible. It's the main reason I started blogging and tweeting in January. It has made me a better teacher. Thanks for sharing.

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